A downloadable game for Windows

The Moon Has Faded Away: Demo

The Moon Has Faded Away: Demo es un videojuego de terror lovecraftiano estilo PS1 basado en la creepypasta escrita por el YouTuber "SRJoel336", titulada: "La Luna No Está Saliendo".

  • Historia

Después de mudarse a un pequeño departamento en una nueva ciudad con su hermana y su madre debido a motivos laborales, la vida cotidiana de Alex y su familia continúa hasta que ocurre un evento sin precedentes: la desaparición de la luna.

  • Advertencia

Este videojuego puede contener violencia, gore, luces parpadeantes y sonidos fuertes. También puede abordar temas sensibles como el suicidio, etcétera. Si eres una persona sensible, es recomendable que no juegues este videojuego.

  • Requisitos

Sistema Operativo: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 2000 Server / Windows 10.

Memoria RAM: 4 GB.

Procesador: Intel Pentium Dual Core 2.8 GHz.

Tarjeta Gráfica: NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS.

  • Controles

W, A, S, D = Moverse.
Clic izquierdo  = Interactuar.
Escape = Pausa.

Al ser una etapa temprana de desarrollo, es posible que puedas encontrar faltas ortográficas o errores en la traducción. Todo esto será solucionado en la versión final. ¡Muchas gracias!

The Moon Has Faded Away: Demo is a Lovecraftian PS1-style horror game based on the creepypasta written by YouTuber "SRJoel336", titled: "La Luna No Está Saliendo".

  • Story

After moving to a small apartment in a new city with his sister and mother due to work-related reasons, Alex's and his family's everyday life continues until an unprecedented event occurs: the disappearance of the moon.

  • Warning

This video game may contain violence, gore, flashing lights, and loud sounds. It may also address sensitive topics such as suicide, etc. If you are a sensitive person, it is advisable not to play this video game.

  • Requirements

Operating System: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 2000 Server / Windows 10.

RAM: 4 GB.

Processor: Intel Pentium Dual Core 2.8 GHz.

Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS.

  • Controls

W, A, S, D = Move. 

Left-click = Interact. 

Escape = Pause.

As it is an early stage of development, you may encounter spelling mistakes or translation errors. All of these will be addressed in the final version. Thank you very much!

StatusIn development
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(66 total ratings)
AuthorBlueBird Games
Made withUnity
TagsAtmospheric, Creepy, First-Person, Horror, Low-poly, PSX (PlayStation), Psychological Horror
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
LanguagesEnglish, Spanish; Latin America
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


TMHFA Demo 32 Bits (Español).rar 212 MB
TMHFA Demo 32 Bits (English).rar 236 MB

Install instructions

  1. Descomprimir.
  2. Iniciar "TMHFA Demo".
  3. Elegir las opciones graficas según tu gusto.
  4. Jugar.
  1. Extract the files.
  2. Run "TMHFA Demo" file.
  3. Adjust the graphics options to your liking.
  4. Play and enjoy!

Development log


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cuando sale la versión final? P.D. faltan muchas tildes y hay errores gramaticales

Con respecto al lanzamiento de la versión final, no tengo una fecha en concreto.

Con respecto a los errores, soy consciente de ello (sin contar que la demo ya tiene sus años), para ese entonces mi ortografía no estaba tan pulida como lo puede llegar a estar hoy en día, así que eso no es nada para preocuparse.


A bright stary night, shadowed over the new apartment complex that the family and I moved into... wait... somethings wrong. Where's ma? What happened to the MOON?!

This game was quite enjoyable, it was simple, but even with the ordinary tasks of moving one object to another location. The atmosphere made me wish to continue through the story.

If there will be a full release, I had trouble keeping up with the text and reading, some parts were faster then others when it came to dialogue. To be fair, I am a slow reader though.

Hopefully there will be a game over screen when you get caught by the intruder, as I didn't realize I was brought back to the last checkpoint.

Anyways, a very well made game, and can't wait for more releases!

Thank you BlueBird Games, for an enjoyable, faded moon experience!🌹


No debimos habernos mudado a esta ciudad, me encantó el videojuego, sigue así!! Dejo mi gameplay para que lo disfruten, abrazo!! 


Very good


This demo is so good and I hope to see work on more similar games! Your game made it on list for top best 10 horror games for 2025:

Pretty fun game!


This is a very nice game and I loved it, looking forward for more of your creations:


Nice game BlueBird Games!



Hey, this game was really fun, I hope to see it expanded upon and I enjoyed the concept a lot. I made a deep dive on it if anyone is interested in watching. 

I love it! Thank you so much!

(1 edit) (+1)

Pretty nice demo! All that i can say in cons is:

1. TOO dark in "scary moments", i can barely see anything for no reason.

2. Unskipable dialogues after death.

3. Said to econome sprint, but in dangerous i couldn't use it. (as i think it's only demo issue of lack of playable places)

Оthеrwisе it can be a very atmospheric, melancholic game about attempts to protect your sister!

Thank you so much!

I’m aware of the issues you mentioned, and I’ve been working hard to resolve them.

Regarding your final analysis, The Moon Has Faded Away will indeed be a rather melancholic game, and it might even be difficult to digest for those who are sensitive to themes of depression and loneliness, as these will be the main topics explored in the game (alongside the disappearance of the moon).

yo dawg i dunno if you know this but when i was playing the english version none of the shit would load, like the hallways?? just gone. there were no walls. also, everything was pink. might be my end being shit and also ass, but i dunno it seems worth checking out. other than that the trailer looks great. ok bye. luve you. mwah.

(1 edit)

Hi, this is the first time I’ve heard about an error like that with The Moon Has Faded Away.

Honestly, I’m not sure what could be causing it. It might be that the game downloaded incorrectly and a file got corrupted (most likely), or it could be some compatibility issue.

I too also had this issue but for me it happened when the game started to get creepy and I thought it was an aesthetic choice at first until reading this

(1 edit) (+3)

I really tried to love this game, and to be honest, the story looks interesting and the pixelated style is cool.
But it's way too slow and you can't skip any dialogue.
I almost gave up at the part where I had to block the door from the creepy guy.
I was constantly getting killed because I couldn't find how to block the damn door, especially considering how dark everything looked.

But that's not the worst part...
The WORST part is that I had to spend more than 3 and a half minutes just to get to the point I was. That is simply ridiculous.
So, I ended up looking for a YouTube playthrough to see what I had to do.
I shouldn't have to do this for any game.

But to be fair, there IS a lot of potential here.


Thank you so much for playing the demo!

You really have to understand that this was my first big project, and it's already a few years old. I know there are many issues in the demo, not just the misplaced checkpoint (since at that time, I didn’t know how to program checkpoints), but also with the translation, which was very bad.

But to be honest, the game has a pretty clear visual guide: the cursor in the middle. If the cursor disappears, you’re in a cutscene, and if the cursor is active, it means you can move. Therefore, in the part with the door, the cursor is still active, meaning you can move. Now, I know that part is very dark, and it was a big mistake that I didn’t fix, but it’s not impossible to pass. You just have to turn around, find the couch, and left-click on it.

I really appreciate your feedback; these are things that over time (and with other game releases) I’ve gradually fixed as I’ve gained more and more experience.

I can assure you that the final version of The Moon Has Faded Away will turn that 2/5 into a 5/5, I guarantee it.

(3 edits) (+2)

Yeah, I want to give a 5/5 review of the actual game. I know that you can!
And sorry if I sounded a bit too harsh in my original reply because, to be honest, I was having a bad week.
I know this might sound stupid, but my mood and wellbeing can affect how much I enjoy a game or a movie.
In fact, on second thought, I actually changed that rating to 4/5 now.

I didn't know that you were a new developer and you seem very kind, I also want to be a game developer so I should be more tolerant with other people's mistakes (you already know more than I do, anyway).

I really hope that you find great success with this game and I'm looking forward to playing it.
Good luck!


You can be a game developer right now, just by downloading an engine and trying it out. Everyone has a bad week sometimes, and sometimes a game just has its flaws or maybe its not for you. Make a game that truly speaks to you! Good luck.


Hello! I'm a game localizer and I'd like to talk about the Chinese localization of this game, would you like to have a little chat?

Hey! Can you contact to me at Discord?

Sure! What's your Discord username? Mine is NicoVTuber.


ill Sended an Invite, at name turkiye02. ill will waiting! :)




Really enjoyed this gane.

Story was interesting and the atmosphere was great.

Keep up the good work!



para ser una demo, esta bien ambientado y con esfuerzo se puede llegar a pulir bastantes cosas que estan bien implementadas, 7.5/10 :)

¡Muchas gracias! Estoy seguro que la versión final del juego te sorprenderá.


Cool Demo! But the screen effects towards the end really make it hard to see anything.

Thank you so much for your feedback!

Towards the end of the demo, everything does get quite dark, and that’s true. It's something I've been criticized for, even in games released after the demo. I’ve been trying to fix it, but honestly, I could never find the right balance. So, the final version of The Moon Has Faded Away includes a gamma option to increase or decrease the brightness.


Cool game, 7/10. It definitely has places to go and things that need work. But overall, good game. 

Full review:


loved the style, so cool!



Muy buena ambientacion y el estilo es excelente. Dentro de lo negativo, pudiese decir que el dialogo de los personajes se puede sentir un poco irreal y forzado en la version en espanol, no obstante funciona y sirve su proposito. POR FAVOR QUE LA MUSICA DE LA RADIO SEA MAS BAJA O QUE EL JUEGO TENGA OPCIONES PARA BAJARLE EL VOLUMEN. Hubo momentos donde me estaba quedando sordo, pero aun asi muy buena seleccion de canciones. En general me parece que es un demo excelente y no puedo esperar a que salga la version completa. Mucho exito!

¡Muchas gracias!

Soy consciente de que los diálogos de los personajes son muy irrealistas, y es algo en lo que me estuve esforzando mucho para mejorar. Lo mencioné abajo en los comentarios con alguien que me dijo exactamente lo mismo, el problema no es propio de la versión en español, también ocurre en inglés.

Lo del tema del sonido y el volumen, no hay nada de qué preocuparse, en la versión final hay incluida una opción para bajar el volumen de los efectos de sonido como también para la música (ambos por separado).


Enjoyed this! got a good scare out of me

Pretty big for a demo! Some grammar issues but nice game.


Thank you so much for your comment, Phyy!

It's a big demo because the full game will be quite lengthy (I haven't calculated it yet, but it'll be around two hours, maybe more).

I'm aware that the demo has some spelling and grammar mistakes, but that's nothing to worry about anymore.


Well, I'm looking forward to the full release!


Vou tentar trazer uma gameplay em breve


Okay so first of all, the game has very good atmosphere and it's very hard to make that. Second of all there are one things I would change if you strive to make it work. In my opinion there is too much talking and no option to skip it. It's better to show a story tnak to tell it. I would much rather have alex talk to his sister more then just his monologue. Also the sentences are kinda strangely written,there is no personality into those dialogs, no relationships between family members, jsut do this do that, no emotions. Third of all there is not much gameplay, I think there is 20% gameplay 80% cutscenes and without option to skip it its getting borring realy fast. Oh and also make opening doors more smooth that you don't smach your face with them every time. The game has huge potential and I hope you'll succed!


Hi, Julstar! Thank you so much for your feedback and for playing The Moon Has Faded Away: Demo.

I’d like to start with the topic of dialogues. There will never be a way to skip them, and that’s because The Moon Has Faded Away is told in a cinematic style, which is why there are so many cutscenes. It’s true that Alex's monologue is annoying, and I received a lot of criticism for it. It's something I’ve fixed (and something I’ve put into practice in my later games, as the demo for The Moon Has Faded Away came out two years ago).

As for the conversations between Alex, his sister, and his mother, that’s also something I’ve worked on improving, but at the same time, it’s something that can still feel "off" to some people. For example, the family dynamics in South America aren't the same as those in North or Central America, or even in Europe, etc. I tried to make it as realistic as possible, and we’ll see if I succeeded once the game is out.

Lastly, the door mechanics were changed a while back. Now, when the player interacts with a door, there’s a black transition with the sound of opening and closing, and then the player appears on the other side of the door. I feel it’s more comfortable this way.

Once again, I want to thank you for playing the demo, and I hope to see you again in the final version!


Thanks for replying! That's good to hear that you listened and improved those things, I realy hope that the full release will blow our minds!

And as always,

Good luck!


Excellent demo for a very intriguing story! You did a great job setting up the world and it really got unsettling quick.

Looking forward to seeing where this one goes, well done!

Thanks, smexch!


That ending scared THE FREAK outta me

awesome gmae it reminds me of the story on twitter called the sun vanished 


certified banger


This is an awesome game my dude! Very cinematic with some cool camera work, the story got going quick and was pretty dark I liked it. Very strange having people going mad because the moon was gone, its like an ice age zombie apocalypse haha. I hope you are working on the full release, Ill be checking out your other projects too! I recommend completely, here is my gameplay video sub and help my channel grow everyone :)

Thanks, Bobe!


This was quite a cool game and I'd be excited to see the full game & even live stream it. I liked how there was no hold back and straight into it. I liked this! Looking forward to it. Here is my gameplay of the demo! 

Thanks, Hazzaween!



¡Muchas gracias! Estoy seguro de que el juego completo te volará la cabeza. :D


Hi,I just saying that I have been played this game some years ago but I never commented then so I played again today and the game is still really good and I'm really waiting for the game full version when is release anyway well done keep it up!

It's something nostalgic since it's the first game I released here. Looking at it today and comparing it to my more recent projects, I feel I've improved a lot.

Anyway, when I release the full game, I think I'll be taking another step forward, and it will be another complete evolution.


Man, who knew the moon disappearing would cause so much chaos. Really cool idea though a bit confusing at times. I like the visual style a lot though, it's a lot more polished than the default retro style a lot of developers seem to go for. The game desperately needs a volume slider though, it is simply too loud at times. Other than that, really interesting and I'll be keeping an eye out for the full release.

Thank you so much for playing the demo, Yeena!

I'm glad you played another one of my games, and what better one than the first I released. "The Moon Has Faded Away: Demo" is already a few years old, and I know it has quite a few bugs, like the volume issue you pointed out in your video playing "Daniel's Nightmare". You shouldn't worry about that anymore, as the final version already includes that option.


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